Litigating The Cases That Matter The Most

Georgia Car Accident Attorney – Not Wearing a Seatbelt

In Georgia, you’re required by law to wear a seatbelt. And of course, it’s a good idea, but if you weren’t wearing a seatbelt when the wreck occurred, that’s something that the jury will never hear about. And so your failure to wear a seatbelt, the insurance company’s going to try to hold that against you, but what they’re not going to tell you is that that is a piece of information that the jury will never hear about. So don’t let them push you around and make you feel like you’re not entitled to recover. It’s a good idea to wear your seatbelt, but if you weren’t wearing one, it does not stop you from recovering in your case. At the Claiborne Firm, we have decades of experience in handling personal injury cases. Having an experienced attorney fighting for you is critical in getting money out of an insurance company. They don’t want to pay you. You need an experienced lawyer to force them to pay you.


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